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Decision framework

Freedom to innovate :Freedom_to_innovate:

We believe in trying new things and are not afraid of failure – as long as we learn from it!

This is the guide for how to put our value into practice. It describes our process for how to go from idea, to decision, to implementation, then to learning.

1. Write it down

First, .

Then, identify accountability using the Responsibility Matrix





Accountable to complete the task.

One, and only one.


Review and consultation.

None, or as many as needed.


Kept in the loop on progress.

None, or as many as needed.

Finally, the DRIVER adds background information and the full solution set of options no matter how unlikely. Try to be unbiased in this phase so that it is easy for others to give you feedback.

2. Farm for feedback

Socialize the idea and ask each CONTRIBUTOR to give their opinion on which option above is the best, along with their confidence score from [-5 to +5]

Farming for feedback does not mean that the DRIVER needs to get to a group consensus.

Should this be a meeting?

If this is a big decision, schedule a meeting only once you have received written feedback.

  • Only invite CONTRIBUTOR, not INFORMED parties

  • Do not invite anyone who did not add their opinion to the table

3. Place the bet

The DRIVER is the responsible person to make the decision.

Tip: “Make reversible decisions quickly, make irreversible decisions deliberately”

At this stage, for the CONTRIBUTORS, either:

4. Celebrate and learn

If it succeeds celebrate it, if it fails, learn from it and socialize the lesson.

The goal is to create a culture of innovation. We want to encourage people to take bets, but we know that not all bets land. The bets will move the organization forward even if they don’t succeed IF we are bold enough to learn from the decision as a team.

The worst thing we can do is shy away from our lessons and keep them to ourselves, since it will squash our culture of betting in the first place.

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