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Bootstrap commitment

GlobalVision is bootstrapped, which means we have used our own resources and profits to grow the business, organically. We have been 100% investor-free since day one, and we continue to focus on organic growth by reinvesting our profits as opposed to finding external capital.

There are no investors making decisions for us or runways leading to a cliff, and no hierarchies or hoops to jump through for you to make an impact. Instead, we have the freedom to make decisions that prioritize the long-term success of our customers, GlobalVisionaries, and company.

As a bootstrapped company in a VC-backed SaaS macro environment, we have a unique recipe that we continue to rely on and nurture. Naturally, our Values stem from this origin story. They codify the core behaviours and principles that led to success by being resourceful, creative, driven, and patient when there are no parachutes or pressures from external investors.

We are listed on, a network of companies who share this stance. Here are a few excerpts from The Bootstrap Movement that we feel articulates the why really well…

Why be bootstrapped?

Being bootstrapped is centered on creating real value with less waste. People think that hefty funding for their business or project will increase the chance of success. But we have seen the opposite is true.

The moment a venture capital firm invests in your business, you are working for a banker. And not just any banker. This one is making bets on multiple companies simultaneously, aiming for a big return within six years or less. They are paid to pursue booms knowing most will be busts – and they don’t mind if you’re the latter.

The cost of being a bust is also huge. Infusing a startup that does not require major research or infrastructure with wads of cash will not reveal better answers or insights. It can hide problems, though. (Or incentivize solving the wrong problems.)

You start thinking that you need to lose money to make money. Your focus is always on the next round of funding and your company valuation. You imagine being a unicorn. But for most businesses, money raised and valuation reached is not what really matters. We think founders should focus on tangible value created instead.

Bootstrappers in action

The idea that you need significant budget and resources to start something new carries over in most companies. People compete to grow teams and acquire budget. That is unfortunate because building a bigger empire is not correlated with greater insights or innovation.

We think teams should be lean, limit their consumption, and put people first. That is how breakthroughs are realized, and team spirit flourishes.

Bootstrappers set their own growth trajectory. There are no big investor directives or top-down constraints. You know what your goals are and work iteratively to reach them. Success happens organically, and you have the latitude in evaluating, understanding and solving based on what you believe will bring the most value.

Pillars of Bootstrapping

Bootstrapping is an operating philosophy. It goes beyond how a business is funded — the beliefs and benefits extend well past the startup phase. Bootstrappers are self-reliant, purpose-driven, and dedicated to creating real value. You take a long-range view sustained by the following beliefs:

Anchored purpose

Focus on people, performance, and profit. Exceptional people give their best when you lead with authenticity and offer room for achievement.

🗺 Maintain freedom

Relish in your autonomy. You answer only to colleagues, customers, the community, and yourself. You are fully responsible for the decisions you make — as well as the outcomes.

🌟 Cherish value

Reject vanity and hype. Continued success is built on value exchanged between a business and the people it serves. Know the worth of what you offer and respect the customers who choose to buy from you.

Avoid waste

Use resources wisely. Abstain from non-core spend — perk-filled offices, expensive conferences, and fancy dinners. Only hire when you cannot afford not to. Eliminate meetings where the goal is not clear.

🧮 Sustain growth

Endurance is a strength, and organic growth allows you to build with intention. Stability is underrated — do not make long-term decisions based on short-term needs. Prioritize and invest in what is lasting.

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