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AI strategy

The marketplace of technology is changing quickly. Here are our strategies and principles to capitalize on this opportunity and stay far ahead of the curve 🚀

Focus on customer value

AI is a tool, not a magic wand. It is easy (and tempting) to focus on the technology instead of the problem and then develop a feature that looks shiny but doesn’t deliver any value. We will be laser-focused on evaluating how AI can be used to accelerate our customer-driven roadmap so that we ensure we are actually helping customers. Our AI advancements will be seamlessly integrated into the proofreading workflow.

Our investments will focus on two key areas:

  1. Automating user decisions in the proofreading workflow

  2. Adding context to the results we provide to users

Think bigger

With new tools come new opportunities. We will push ourselves to think about leapfrog advances in our mission to eliminate manual proofreading for regulated industries. Instead of thinking “bottom-up” about our current problems in our technology, we will think “top-down” about solving the entire proofreading problem.

Experiment more

We will dedicate time to explicitly experiment with AI tools to see what problems we can solve with AI ASAP. We will create an innovation pod whose mission is to get the seed of AI into Verify to break the ice. We will start a customer advisory board and a set of beta customers to allow for quick feedback loops.

Lean into our advantage

Our moat in the new AI landscape lies in our 34 years of relationships with customers. This means direct access to user networks and customer feedback, as well as a database of millions of inspections to tune our models. We will leverage the best general-purpose models (eg. OpenAI) to automate the specific workflow of proofreading documents for regulated applications. We need to be tightly integrated into the workflow automate it, and make it easy to buy but hard to leave.

Enterprise ready

We will include our enterprise customers in our experimentation with AI. Part of this is increasing transparency about our data privacy & security systems. We will keep all customer files within our systems without sharing their data with third parties.

Stay generic

We do not know which players will come out on top (OpenAI, Google, Anthropic, etc) of this race. We will future-proof our technology by building in a modular plug-and-play fashion that allows us to swap vendors easily. We will build our technology API-first so that whatever we build is accessible to both Verify and future opportunities like partner integrations and plug-ins.

Internal productivity

Beyond product-focused principles, we will be heavily experimenting with AI in our systems so that we can move faster, while keeping our headcount under 150. As mentioned in The Global Vision, we will keep headcount low through: Heavy use of technology, automation, and systems to reduce low-level work.

Investments will start with a focus on developer productivity through tools like Github Copilot, and then expand into all departments over time once they prove to be valuable.

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