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Writing Principles

Documenting is key to having a successful remote-first, asynchronous workplace. Therefore, the quality of our written work is key to our success at GV. We’ve put together some tips and tricks to help you communicate efficiently and get used to the GV culture.

1. Organize 🗄️

Choosing the right Communication Tool

We have many systems so we need to be consistent in when to use them.

Find the right public folder

Instead of organizing 100 different personal folders, we all work in the same public space, so make sure to help keep it organized. If uncertain where to put something, ask!

2. Linked 🔗

Navigating all our systems is tough. Make sure all of your content is linked so that connections and hierarchies are clear.

Embed the link into the word instead of pasting the URL

URLs are messy

3. Simple & succinct 🎯

Remove fluff

Hit delete on words, sentences, and paragraphs. Did it matter?

No Acronyms

Nobody should need a glossary to work at GV. Spend the extra seconds writing full words.

Titles are concise, yet specific.

Confluence page titles, Jira tickets, salesforce opportunities, etc.

  • Do not make titles full sentences, but make sure they are unique.

  • Don’t include “GlobalVision”. Your procedure or project is for GV, it is redundant to specify our company name.

4. Formatted for clarity 📄

Use and abuse formatting tools

Well-formatted messages and docs make the text easier to scan. Use Headings to add hierarchical structure, bullet point lists are easier to digest than paragraphs.

Get everything into a single message

Fewer messages mean fewer notifications.

Error-free Grammar

You work for a proofreading company and grammer mistaches r distactin. Use Grammarly and proofread.

5. Conclusion first 🥇

Tell the reader what they are reading in the first sentence, don’t leave them in suspense until the end. If the conclusion/solution is not yet known, write problem-first by stating the problem you are trying to solve instead of the context or suggested solution.

6. Open for feedback

Clearly state that your work is in draft and needs improvement so that constant feedback and clarification are expected. Ask for Project Feedback at the end of every message and doc.

There is a lot to learn, so ask for feedback constantly!

Low quality communication is the standard in the corporate world, but we expect high quality.

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