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What we do

Welcome to GlobalVision! 

We are a company of 121 passionate employees who span across five continents. 

We work together (remotely) to create the market-leading proofreading software.

Founded in 1990, we pioneered the world of inspection technology with the first inspection systems of its kind. Original systems used cameras to check for packaging deviations. As the PDF became the standard in the early 2000s, we evolved our solution to offer innovative software that compares digital files and ensures accuracy throughout the entire product lifecycle. 

We help customers achieve three key outcomes at various stages of the asset development and approval process:

  1. Verify that intended changes were correctly executed from version to version

  2. Catch unwanted deviations as soon as they occur

  3. Communicate the necessary changes after every comparison

The end result? Our automated solutions ease the proofreading process for regulated industries and beyond, protecting the integrity of products from development to market launch. 

Our Mission

Empower Regulated Industries with Fast and Accurate Proofreading

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