Welcome to the travel page, you will find all the information you need surrounding travel for business purposes. If anything is missing or you have any questions, you can reach out to @a user, Director of Finance.
General Guidelines
The company will cover all work-related travel expenses. This includes lodging and meals during the part of the trip that is work-related.
The company will cover transportation costs to and from a destination or airport which is work-related. This includes public transit, ride-sharing services (Lyft, Uber, etc.), personal vehicle mileage between one's home and airport, bus/rail station, or work-related meetings.
Employees will submit a spend request for the estimated/budgeted cost of their trip to their Float card prior to travel.
If you incur any work-travel-related expenses, please upload a copy of the receipt to Float quickly.
Booking through Navan
All airfare, hotel, and car reservations must be made through Navan.
Setting up your Navan account
Log in to Navan using your GlobalVision email address.
FIRST-TIME LOG IN: You will need to complete your profile with your personal information. Click on Get Started at the top of the page to add your traveler’s information. Check to make sure your name in your profile matches what is indicated on your passport as your user profile information in Navan will be used for your flight bookings.
How to Book
Group Travel
Navan allows users to organize travel for employees. Participants will receive an email invite with event details and booking types. GVE’s best practice recommends using the group travel feature when organizing in-person meetups, tradeshow travel and conferences.
Select Group events from the top menu.
Click + Create event.
Enter your event name, location and dates.
Click Save and continue.
Click the Participants tab.
Click Add participants and enter their emails.
Enter participant locations to estimate travel costs.
Modify what bookings are allowed for each participant.
Click Send invites once all of your event and participant information is complete. Your participants can start booking as soon as they receive their invite.
Individual Booking
Search for a flight, hotel and car rental depending on the needs of your trip.
You will need to populate the “Trip Purpose” field to continue with your booking. Please provide a short description for reason of the trip.
Review your booking details and click Book and Pay to confirm.
The corporate credit card will be used to finalize your booking.
No further action is required for bookings done directly through Navan.
NOTE: There is no direct approval process for travel bookings done in Navan. Managers will receive an email notification for any travel bookings made by their direct reports and will have a specified allocated time to cancel the reservation if required.
Employees should use the most economical means of travel while on business, taking into consideration practicality and transportation availability:
Public transportation
Uber / Lyft / Taxi
Personal automobile
Car rental
Should I take an Uber or Taxi?
We trust that employees will take the most economical means of transportation that is available.
TIP: Taxis may be the more reasonable option if there is an Uber surge charge greater than x1.5.
Should I use my own car or rent a car?
You may use your own car if it is the most convenient and economical method of transportation available. If it is expected that travel will be greater than 180 km per day, use of a rental vehicle would be considered the more economical means of travel.
Personal Automobile
Employees will receive a mileage allowance at a flat rate of CAD $0.62/km. This amount includes all car-related expenses (fuel, wear and tear, lease payment, etc.)
A Google map showing the starting point, destination, route taken and total distance traveled must be provided to support mileage claims.
How will I get reimbursed for the mileage if I use my own personal automobile?
Send an email to our Purchasing Coordinator @a user with:
We will take care of reimbursing the mileage allowance through payroll.
Car Rental
You can reserve a car through Navan to ensure the company credit card is charged for the rental. Please rent a standard
or compact
car if you are alone, or a larger car if you are more than 3 people (carpool whenever possible!).
Use your Float card for:
Do I need to get additional insurance for my rental car?
Yes! This is very important as GlobalVision’s corporate credit card does not provide car rental insurance for employees. Should you be renting a car for business travel, you must submit a spend request for a car rental insurance quote and purchase the additional insurance with your Float card so you are not personally held liable in the event of an accident.
It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that you have proper insurance in place when renting a car. If you have not arranged for proper insurance and failed to do any of the above, you will be held personally liable for all damages in the event of an accident. If you have any doubt whether insurance is adequately addressed, please do not hesitate to reach out to GlobalVision’s Finance team for help.
What happens if I get a traffic or parking ticket?
GlobalVision does not reimburse employees for the costs of parking or driving violations incurred while on business.
What happens if I get into an accident when driving?
If employees are involved in an accident with a rental car, this must be reported to the rental car agency, the employee’s direct manager, and Finance Team as soon as possible. All documentation of the accident must be retained and submitted to GlobalVision.
Driving while Impaired
GlobalVision employees shall not consume alcohol or drugs while driving on company business. Employees are expected to obey local laws regarding driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Employees must also obey local laws regarding distracted driving (i.e. no talking on the phone or texting while driving). Failure to follow local laws regarding impaired and distracted driving could be considered grounds for termination with cause.
Ideally, flights must be made through Navan to ensure the company credit card is charged for the booking. However, if your flight is not available on Navan or you have found a cheaper flight on another platform (>$150 in cost savings), you can book the flight outside of Navan. You will need to submit a spend request through Float for the cost of the flight and purchase the flight once your request has been approved by your direct manager using your Float card.
The most economical fare classes should be booked (i.e. coach or economy). Use your judgment for flights that are not the base rate. As an example, if there is a slight chance that you will need to change/cancel the dates of your flight, it may be worth it to purchase the flight that includes a refundable or change option.
Flights should be booked at least 14 days in advance to ensure reasonable ticket prices. If you are unable to do so, a written explanation for why the out-of-policy booking is being requested must be provided in Navan and pre-approved by the employee’s direct manager.
How can I get to the airport?
The most economical method of transportation to the airport should be used, taking into account practicality and transportation availability. If public transportation is easily accessible, this would be the most economical means of travel. If it is more economical to take a taxi to and from the airport than to drive and park at the airport (including mileage and parking fees), then a taxi should be taken (and vice versa).
Can I use my own loyalty programs to book or upgrade my flights?
If there is no incremental cost to GlobalVision, employees may use personal mileage benefits to upgrade reservations directly with the airline after ticketing. You will not, however, be reimbursed for the equivalent value of the upgrade.
Can I purchase internet on my flight?
Internet may be purchased on the flight if the employee needs access to it for work-related purposes.
What happens if my baggage is lost or delayed?
The ultimate responsibility for retrieving and compensating lost/delayed baggage lies with the airlines. GlobalVision does not reimburse this. Any toiletries, clothing, or other personal items that employees purchase due to lost or delayed baggage are also not reimbursed by GlobalVision.
The most economical means of lodging should be used, taking into consideration practicality, accessibility, and safety.
If your hotel is not available on Navan or you have found a cheaper hotel on another platform (>$150 in cost savings), you can book the hotel outside of Navan. You will need to submit a spend request through Float for the cost of the hotel and purchase the hotel once your request has been approved by your direct manager using your Float card.
GVE has a preferred corporate rate at the Hilton DoubleTree close by HQ . Please use link in attached PDF to book.
Global Vision.pdf
Incidentals credit card
Hotels may expect you to present a physical credit card upon check-in even if the company pre-paid your hotel through Navan. Make sure you have your Float card with you as it will be kept on file for the duration of your stay and you have considered this with your spend limit request.
Our goal is to trust that everyone is going to be reasonable in their expenses when travelling for work. Here are some reasonable guidelines for meal allowances:
Breakfast = $15
Lunch = $25
Dinner = $50
Your direct manager will be approving that spend request.
What if I pay for food for other employees?
A manager can expense a meal for a team member (or members) in line with the department or team’s budget.
For a team social, that team’s manager or above can purchase and expense a meal on behalf of the team, in line with the department or team’s budget.
Will GlobalVision pay for my alcohol?
GlobalVision does not promote excessive alcohol consumption and we trust our employees to act professionally when travelling on behalf of the company or out on a team social. Reasonable consumption of alcohol will be acceptable (e.g. 1 glass of wine with dinner) and is included in the meal allowance approved on your spend request.
For a team social, that team’s manager or above can purchase and expense the alcohol included with a meal on behalf of the team in line with the department or team’s budget.
What if I’m entertaining clients?
GlobalVision reimburses for costs incurred for alcohol, food, and other event-related expenses for the purpose of entertaining clients. Clients refer to any past, current, or potential customers of GlobalVision. You will need to submit a spend request to your direct manager to add the funds to your Float card for the budgeted amount. You will need to provide the business reason for the event in the description of your transaction when you submit your receipt.
The amount spent on client entertainment must be reasonable and not overly excessive. If you require guidance on what is considered to be a reasonable amount for client entertainment expenses, please speak to your Department Head or the Finance team.
Cell Phone
When travelling out of the country on business, GlobalVision will cover cell phone overages incurred due to business travel.
How will I get reimbursed for the cell phone per diem if I am travelling out of the country?
Send an email to our Purchasing Coordinator @a user with: