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Payroll for international employees

GlobalVision has partnered with Deel for payroll for international contractors. Deel is a scalable and seamless platform for GV to better embody our remote-first culture.

The core benefits of Deel compared to international wire transfers are:

  • Lower transaction fees for all parties.

  • Self-managed portal for payment structure, even Crypto, using multiple accounts like bank transfer, Wise, PayPal, or Coinbase.

  • Compliance with local standards, wherever you live and work.

More information and benefits

Getting started with Deel

International Contractors will receive an email from Deel when your new contract is ready to sign, and you will sign right from your Deel account.

Payroll is done on a bi-monthly basis with payments made on the 15th and last day of the month. Any other types of payments (expense reimbursements, referral bonuses, etc.) will also be paid through your Deel account.

Here is a walk-through video to set up your account, sign your contract, and get paid:
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