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Drug and Alcohol Policy

The drug and alcohol policy applies to all GlobalVision Employee’s and contractor’s use of any drugs or alcohol that may have impairing effects or after-effects on an individual, whether that impairment relates to mood, cognition, physical coordination, or any other capacity required to work safely, productively and respectfully and to drugs and substances which may be used or possessed legally with or without a prescription.


GlobalVision is committed to maintaining a safe, productive and respectful working environment. This includes ensuring that all employees are fit to carry out their jobs safely and effectively in an environment which is free from drug and alcohol misuse.

The purpose of this policy is to:

  • Make employees aware of their responsibilities regarding drug and alcohol use, and what constitutes prohibited use with respect to the workplace.

  • Ensure that employees who have a drug or alcohol-related disability, including a substance dependence, are encouraged to seek the help they need without fear of reprisal.

  • Treat employees fairly and consistently, and in keeping with their rights under human rights and employment legislation.

Rules for Drug and Alcohol Use

To maintain a safe, productive and respectful working environment, the following rules apply:

Fitness for work. Employees must be fit for work at all times during working hours. An employee must not attend work or perform work while unfit due drug or alcohol use.

Use on GlobalVision premises. Employees must demonstrate responsible behavior in the use of alcohol on GlobalVision premises and at work-related social events, and act in a way that will not render them unfit for work or have a detrimental effect on GlobalVision's reputation.

Should an Employee wish to use the GlobalVision Beer Keg, the following rules will apply:

  • Employees may have a maximum of 2 servings in any 24-hour period;

  • Employees are never to drink and drive under the influence;

  • Employees should always remember to have fun and drink responsibly!

Impaired driving. Employees must comply with impaired driving laws while driving on or off GlobalVision premises. There will be a zero-tolerance policy for drinking and driving after drinking on GlobalVision premises or at a GlobalVison sponsored event.

N.B. If your blood alcohol concentration is equal to or over 80 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood (0.08), you could face Criminal charges. For more information please visit:

If an Employee feels impaired after consuming any alcohol on GlobalVision premises or at a GlobalVison sponsored event, please advise a member of the management team and a ride home will be arranged for you.

In no circumstances are employees to drive home while impaired.

Accommodation of Drug or Alcohol-Related Disabilities

GlobalVision is committed to accommodating employee disabilities related to drugs or alcohol. GlobalVision will take all reasonable steps to assist an employee in managing or recovering from such conditions.

Any information disclosed to GlobalVision by an Employee regarding drug or alcohol use related to an underlying disability or addiction will be confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone other than as necessary to meet a legal obligation.

Drug or Alcohol Dependence

Where an employee is unable to comply with the rules in this policy due to a drug or alcohol dependence (whether stemming from an addiction or other disability), he or she must take steps to prevent risks to himself or herself or to others, and to avoid disruption to the workplace.

Any employee requesting such assistance will not be disciplined for disclosing a drug or alcohol dependence. GlobalVision has a duty to accommodate such disabilities, and employees have a corresponding obligation to seek help when it is needed to prevent harm to themselves, their co-workers, or to the workplace in general.

Employees remain responsible for their actions despite the existence of a drug dependence.

Consequences of Failure to Comply

All employees are required to read and comply with the terms of this policy. Any violation of this policy may be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

GlobalVision may suspend disciplinary action for breach of this policy where there is reason to believe the breach results from a drug or alcohol-related disability and the employee agrees to undertake appropriate treatment or participate in reasonable accommodations.

Administration of This Policy

GlobalVision expressly reserves the right to change, modify or delete portions of this Policy without notice.

Human Resources is responsible for the administration of this policy. If employees have any questions regarding this policy or any questions about drug and alcohol issues that are not addressed in this policy, they may contact the Human Resources department.

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